USC's 2019 Italian Language Teachers' Workshop, Saturday October 12, 2019

USC's 2019 Italian Language Teachers' Workshop, Saturday October 12, 2019

Schedule now available online


Italian Language Teachers' Workshop (ILT) at USC:


The Department of French and Italian announces the


Italian Language Teachers’ Fourth Annual Workshop at the

University of Southern California

“(Re)imagining Italy: The Culture We Teach Our Students”

in Los Angeles, CA

Saturday, October 12, 2019


When we teach Italian basic language, culture and language are inseparable. That said, what we decide to teach our students about culture can be any number of things and is always changing.  Canonical art, literature, music, food, social issues, politics, migration and the everyday are just some of the myriad of topics.  However, when we consider the aspects of culture that we share with our students these days some questions arise:  Is this Italy?  Is this all of Italy?  Is this ultimately the Italy that we want to share with our students?  As importantly, is this the Italy that attracts the next generation of students and inspires them to continue their studies of the language. 


This workshop encourages participants to reflect on the culture that they share with their students in Italian Basic Language.  What topics, what issues, what facets of Italy do we teach?  What topics do we teach that are less commonly taught?  What topics would we like to teach to convey a more meaningful Italy to our students?  Is it time for a paradigm shift in the selection of topics we share with our students?


The Keynote Speaker of the 2019 Italian Language Teacher's Workshop will be Beppe Cavatorta, Associate Professor of Italian at the University of Arizona and President of AATI.  His paper title for this event is forthcoming. 


Workshop Registration deadline: Midnight, October 8, 2019.



 Please send questions to Alessio Filippi and James M. Fortney at and