XVII SETTIMANA DELLA LINGUA ITALIANA The wildly popular yet pseudonymous Italian author known as Elena Ferrante is best known for her four-volume Neapolitan Novels series, which follows two girls from Naples who attempt to create lives for themselves within a violent and stultifying culture. Named one of Time magazine's...
Leggi tuttoXVII SETTIMANA DELLA LINGUA ITALIANA Novelist Nicola Lagioia takes part in the Litquake Festival's international evening, Longform Fiction from Europe, which features readings and discussion from some of Europe’s top novelists currently on book tour. With Dominique Fabre (France), Nicola Lagioia (Italy), Karolina Ramq...
Italian Language Resource Laboratory
John D. Calandra Italian American Institute
Queens College, CUNY, New York
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Italian Language Resource Laboratory
John D. Calandra Italian American Institute
Queens College, CUNY, New York
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