Workshop: Iona College

VI Italian Language and Culture Professional Development Workshop


McGrath A/B

New Rochelle, NY

November 22nd 2019

8:30a.m. -3:30 p.m.






Integrating Italian Culture in Class: Activities and Strategies


The workshop wishes to provide suggestions on how to utilize current news and events, social media, Art, Theater, Music and technology apps, to design original lessons at different levels in which students learn about the Italian socio-cultural reality through the use of the language.

Cultural elements have often been introduced or stressed at advanced levels of a language class. Language structures have been generally taught gradually and separately, so as to prepare students for “high level” cultural topics.  Language and culture, instead, are inextricably tied together and should be presented jointly to students starting at lower levels. A successful communication implies the knowledge of practices, products and perspectives of the target culture. The values and beliefs of the Italian society can and should be taught through the language used in authentic contexts, starting from the beginning levels.

In this workshop, participants will be actively engaged in lesson plans, examples and activities for all levels of Italian Language and Culture Classes.


Breakfast and Lunch will be served and a Certificate of Attendance will be distributed.



Guest Speaker:

Prof. Roberta Pennasilico is a Teacher of Italian Language and Culture, levels II through V and Advanced Placement Italian and Host Nation Liaison with the Italian Community at Naples American Middle High School (Department of Defense Dependents Schools), Naples, Italy, since 1991.




Register at:




Elda Buonanno Foley, M.B.A., Ph.D,
Interim Chair, Department of Foreign Languages
Associate Professor of Global Cultural Studies
Iona College, New Rochelle


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