University of Oregon Italian On Line

This year the University of Oregon is offering first- and second-year Italian online. Students anywhere in the country (the world!) can complete either year of Italian between 25 June and 2 September (or receive partial credit if they do only one of the two courses).

We're excited to start offering online instruction with two highly experienced (award-winning!) colleagues. With any questions please contact the teaching colleagues, below, and please do circulate the announcement if appropriate for your program.

BEGINNING ITALIAN ONLINE: 25 June through 2 September 2018
ITAL 104 Life Italian Style June 25 - July 29, CRN 42411
ITAL 105 Viaggio in Italia July 30 - September 2, CRN 42410
Students learn to communicate in Italian in real-life situations; develop speaking, writing and comprehension skills; and converse with Italian speaking partners.
Harinder Khalsa

INTERMEDIATE ITALIAN ONLINE 25 June through 2 September 2018
ITAL 201 Eccellenze del Made in Italy June 25 - July 29, CRN 42412
ITAL 203 Tante Italie, un’Italia July 30 - September 2, CRN 42413
Students learn about Italy’s long traditions, diverse cultures and contemporary society; develop speaking, writing and comprehension skills; and converse with native speaking partners.
Claudia Ventura

F. Regina Psaki
The Giustina Family Professor of Italian Language and Literature
Dept of Romance Languages
1233-University of Oregon
Eugene OR 97304-1233

541-346-4042 (might a call be more efficient than e-mail exchanges?)