Summer PD Series

News, events and educational resources about culture, language and literacy from CERCLL at the University of Arizona.
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Registration Details

The "Literacy in the Wild" workshops are just $15 per day until April 30th, and $20 per day thereafter. This fee includes materials provided by the presenters and lunch.

Travel scholarships are available for language educators travelling more than 60 miles to attend the Literacy in the Wild workshop series. These funds are for reimbursement of eligible travel expenses up to $400 (reimbursements will be processed after the workshops).

For details about how to apply, see the sidebar on the workshop series webpage.

Application Deadline: May 2, 2018

Continuing Education

These workshops are intended for educators at all levels; certificates are available for K-12 teachers for 6 hours CE per workshop day.



Summer PD Series

Literacy in the Wild: Getting Foreign Language Learners out of the Classroom and into the World

June 4-8, 2018

By developing literacy in a foreign language and culture, learners can ideally gain the ability to encounter not only new words but also new physical, virtual, and imagined worlds (Kern, 2000). But sometimes the four walls of the classroom feel confining and it can be difficult to reconcile pedagogical imperatives to bring in authentic texts with the active involvement of experiential learning. 

This one-week workshop series for language educators explores strategies for connecting foreign language literacy with the “wild”(Thorne, 2010), that is with real-world contexts of use. Participants may register for individual workshops by David MalinowskiChantelle Warner and Lawrence Williams, or they may register for the whole week. K-12 teachers will receive Continuing Education (6 hours per day).

June 4 - 5th: David Malinowski, Yale University

Bridging Classroom and Community with Linguistic and Literary Landscapes

June 6 - 7th: Chantelle Warner, University of Arizona

Foreign Languages and Literacies at the Museum

June 8th: Lawrence Williams, University of North Texas

Digital Tools and Digital Literacies for Exploring Virtual Worlds

For more information about the workshops,  individual workshop abstracts, lodging details, and to register, please visit:

Questions? Contact CERCLL:, (520) 626-8071.
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