Download and feel free to use and disseminate this brochure in order to promote AP Italian Language and Culture Courses and Exam.
USPEAKSITALIAN BROCHURE 2023/2024 Download and feel free to use and disseminate this brochure in order to promote AP Italian Language and Culture Courses and Exam. |
Become an Effective Advocate in 8 easy steps. From CAL Centre for Applied Lingustics |
Start Italian in your School. Kit prepared by Maria Guarrera Wilmeth in 2003 for Copilas. This is a more recent version modified in 2006. Even though is need to be modified again and the reference are not available anymore, it is still a great tool for promoting Italian in US Schools. |
Some examples written in order to promote the study of Italian Language in the USA Why Study Italian Today? Lake Eire College Why Study Italian? Emory University The Wonders of Studying Italian a powerpoint presentation made by a student of |
ADVOCACY - Be an advocate for Language Education. The page about Advocacy mantained by ACTFL. |
Are we prepared for jobs of the future? A video on the importance of teaching Intercultural Competence and Foreign Languages |
Writing Legislators: Writing Suggestions; Sample Letter. From the IFLTA Advocay |
What the Research Shows. What does research show about the benefits of language learning? From ACTFL Advocacy page |
Promoting a Language Proficient Society: What you can do. From CAL- Center for Applied Linguistics |
Italian Language Resource Laboratory
John D. Calandra Italian American Institute
Queens College, CUNY, New York
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Italian Language Resource Laboratory
John D. Calandra Italian American Institute
Queens College, CUNY, New York
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