Insegnamento della lingua italiana ad apprendenti anglofoni dislessici.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Borbála Samu:

Insegnamento della lingua italiana ad apprendenti anglofoni dislessici.

L’esperienza di Umbra Institute


Students with dyslexia can expect to have serious difficulties learning a second language. Nevertheless, they should be given the same opportunitiesto learn languages as other learners.

This study provides a brief review on how dyslexia complicates learning a second language (§2); a description of the criteria for preparing effective teaching materials for students with difficulties in learning (§3); an example of teaching materials developed by Umbra Institute in a study abroad context, with a view to making Italian language learning more appropriate for dyslexic college students(§4); a description of the results and the effects on single students (§5)

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