
Parole: 10 percorsi nel lessico italiano: esercizi guidati (5a edizione)
Serena Ambroso, Giovanna Stefancich
Bonacci editore, 2009 
Parole guides the student to understand the relationship between words, to accelerate language acquisition and to strengthen vocabulary building.  The book is divided in ten sections, each one focusing on a specific aspect of the language: Antonimia, Sinonimia, Intensità, Collocazione, Polisemia, Inclusione, Connotazione, Metafora, Derivazione, Residui e Prestiti.  Every section begins with a brief theoretical introduction, followed by a variety of exercises of different levels of complexity.  The answer key at the end of the book gives the flexibility to use Parole in class or individually. 
Paola Nastri , Yale University