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Attività sui verbi riflessivi e reciproci
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Mi sveglio alle 7!
Attività sui verbi riflessivi e reciproci
Attività giochi di parole per imparare le città italiane
Attvità sui capoluoghi e le città.
Con cruciverba, anagrammi, mesostici, ecc.
There are many tricks, or templates, to facilitate learning vocabulary through spiraling and cognates and effective lesson planning to include many aspects of the 5 C’s.
Car Pool: C'è la crisi. Boom dell'auto condivisa. Proficiency level Advanced Learning Objectives Spoken Interpersonal Communication Audio, Visual and Audiovisual Interpretive Communication Written and Print Interpretive Communication Written Presentational Communication
Italian Language Resource Laboratory
John D. Calandra Italian American Institute
Queens College, CUNY, New York
write to info@usspeaksitalian.org
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Italian Language Resource Laboratory
John D. Calandra Italian American Institute
Queens College, CUNY, New York
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