Articoli e presentazioni / Papers and presentations

In this section you'll find papers written by scholars of free access and Power-Point presentations made at Conferences that might be useful for Italian Language Teachers and Scholars.


Author: Anna Santucci Brown University

The crucial yet underestimated role played by our bodies in the production of language and culture lies at the heart of the calls for reform in the foreign language curriculum that we are witnessing, especially since the 2007 MLA report stressed the need for a renewed FL curriculum able to produce “educated speakers who have deep translingual and transcultural competence” (“Foreign Languages and Higher Edu

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Author: Paola Quadrini Nazareth College

In the American Italian departments, the use of literature for the development of second culture competence in the language courses tend to be sporadic. In fact, the teaching of language, culture and literature is likely to take place separately. Often, the teaching of Italian literature in the target language is restricted to upper division courses, whereas the introduction of literature in the language courses is not expected at the upper division level. On the other hand, the development of second culture acquisition has a tendency to be restricted to specific cultural courses.

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Author: Nicoletta Marini Maio Dickinson College

How can foreign language learners evolve and benefit from interacting with speakers of other languages and cultures within the contemporary global scenario?

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Author: Manuel Rossi University of Miami

Francesco Bianconi, lead singer and writer of the contemporary Italian music band Baustelle, has produced over six successful albums as well as have contributed in other distinct musical and lyrical collaborations with other artists throughout the past 15 years.  Bianconi has also recently produced the soundtracks for two recent Italian films and has published two popular fictional books revolving around the universal themes of love—which is often unrequited— the hopelessness and futility of life, and the overall crux of one’s being. Bianconi cred

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