AATI Webinar Series

Monday, October 26, 2020



AATI College University Webinar Series


Creating Inclusive Distance Courses: Teaching Black Italy

with Camilla Hawthorne
OCTOBER 26, 2020 3:30 - 4:30pm EDT (1:30-2:30 PDT)



This webinar will consider the ways in which contemporary forms of Black activism, alongside new scholarship on racism and the legacies of Italian colonialism, provide powerful opportunities for reconsidering what counts as "canon" in the teaching of Italian and Italian Studies. It will focus in particular on the importance of

rethinking narratives of Mediterranean "hybridity," "colorblindness," and "innocence" as well as engaging legacies of colonialism and the racial histories of national unification bringing to light hidden Black histories


Materials from the webinars will be available on the AATI website Resource Tab.


Il webinar esaminerà come le forme contemporanee dell’attivismo nero, gli studi sul razzismo e l’eredità del colonialismo italiano permettano di rivalutare il canone dell’insegnamento dell’italiano e degli studi d'italianistica. Verrà discussa l'importanza di ripensare ai concetti di “ibridità”, “colorblindness” e“innocenza”

della narrativa sul Mediterraneo attraverso l’inclusione dell’eredità coloniale, delle storie razziali dell’unificazione dell’Italia che hanno portato alla luce storie nascoste.


I materiali dei webinar saranno disponibili sul sito AATI alla voce “Resource”.



Camilla Hawthorne is Assistant Professor of Sociology at UC Santa Cruz. She is a principal faculty member in the UCSC Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Program, and a faculty affiliate of the UCSC Science & Justice Research Center and Legal Studies Program. Camilla serves as Chair of the Black Geographies Specialty Group of the

American Association of Geographers, and is a project manager and faculty member for the Black Europe Summer School in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She received a PhD in Geography and Science & Technology Studies from UC Berkeley in 2018. Camilla’s current project explores the ways that citizenship has emerged as a key terrain of struggle over racial nationalism in Italy, and — bringing together insights from critical migration/citizenship studies and Black studies — argues that citizenship is crucial for understanding how racism and race are being reconfigured in the twenty-first century.




We will be hosting the webinar on Zoom; please follow the link on the day of the webinar: Meeting ID: 929 9748 4787 Passcode: 661292
