2018 Italian Heritage and Culture Month - New York



Dear Friends and Colleagues: 
Each year, the Board of Directors of the Italian Heritage and Culture Committee of New York, Inc. (IHCC-NY, Inc.) selects a new theme and then proceeds to create a theme poster and publish its "Calendar of Events" for the annual October celebration.
For 2018, the Board of Directors of the IHCC-NY, Inc. put a lot of thought into a theme and, following years of hailing Italian artists, sculptors, discoverers, and more, determined that it will be Italian Women in America: Breaking Barriers. This acknowledges the contributions of Italian Women in America who have been the stalwart stewards of families even as they also have excelled in their respective fields of professional endeavor. 
Once again, the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute is delighted to assist in bringing together information about programs and events planned to celebrate Italian Heritage and Culture Month. We include below a link to our events form so that you may list any activity scheduled to take place in celebration of the year's theme, ONLY from mid-September through mid-November. We encourage you to explore your heritage with programs that celebrate any facet of our theme, as we have been doing together for the past 42 years!
Enter only one event per each form (reproduce additional copies as needed). It is important to submit the complete and concise information about your event(s) as soon as possible, no later than July 2, 2018. The contact information is listed on the attached form.
We also want to take this occasion to emphasize that the mission of the IHCC-NY, Inc. is made possible through the generosity of donations, and to add that we still very much need your support. Therefore, we would like to call upon you to help sustain our activities by making a tax-deductible contribution. No dollar amount is too small! Every dollar helps to foster the programmatic offerings that document and preserve the history and culture of Italians in America. Please know how deeply we appreciate your generosity. Your gift will be acknowledged in our 2018 Italian Heritage and Culture Month Calendar of Events Magazine. Kindly review the attached donor sheet and please help us in this endeavor. 
On behalf of the IHCC-NY and the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, we thank you for your support and participation. We remain,  
Cav. Anthony Julian Tamburri         
John D. Calandra Italian American Institute

Cav. Uff. Joseph Sciame

Click here for the events form. Click here for the donor sheet.
Click here to see a press release about IHCM. 
John D. Calandra Italian American Institute  |  Queens College, CUNY