Articoli e presentazioni / Papers and presentations

In this section you'll find papers written by scholars of free access and Power-Point presentations made at Conferences that might be useful for Italian Language Teachers and Scholars.


Author: Daniela De Pau Drexel University

Il mio intervento intende presentare le tematiche e le strategie pedagogiche del mio testo di prossima pubblicazione Scritture del sé femminile nella moderna narrativa italiana di viaggio  (New Academia Publishing: Washington D.C.).

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Author: Andrea Villarini Marco Cassando Università per Stranieri di Siena

Nel nostro intervento vogliamo presentare quello che, a tutt’oggi, è il primo MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) dedicato alla diffusione della lingua e cultura italiana.

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Author: Elda Bonanno- Foley Iona College, New Rochelle, NY

My presentation focuses on the theory and the application behind the use of multimedia and the social media in teaching Foreign Language and Culture. It provides an opportunity to reshape teaching and stimulate the learning of Italian language and culture. In proposing how to design interesting and meaningful content to teach foreign culture and language, I show how to integrate resources and strategies using technology. My session delineates how by incorporating technologies (i.e.

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Author: Donatella Melucci Georgetown University

Piazza: Luogo di incontri authored by Donatella Melucci and Elissa Tognozzi. This introductory-level program addresses the needs of beginning learners of Italian with an enriching language learning experience through communicative and thoughtful practice, innovative instructional design, robust technology integration, and a wide range of cultural coverage. It employs an intuitive and functional approach to proficiency development, with research-driven strategies to include cultural awareness, literacy development, and difficult sentence structures

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Author: Barbara Spinelli Columbia University

Workshop on “Intercomprehension” and Multilingualism: Teaching Italian to Romance Languages speakers Italian Language Resouce Laboratory, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College – CUNY Saturday, 14 September 2013 ----------- Program ---------------  

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